Luke loves hunting with Daddy and Zoi. Ducks, turkeys, and coyotes are some of his favorite experiences so far. He does aspire to go hunt for a big lion in africa one day as well....Oh boy...
Ava's 8months! Sippy cup, a new swing, 2 teeth, and happy as can be :)
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Our one day visit to MN along our 2 1/2 week christmas trip....lots of family got to meet Ava for the first time.
Sioux Falls, SD....Big Sioux River Falls
Christmas day at the Pantleo farm
Christmas Eve at the Raulie's
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Christmas #1 was in FL...Ava, Rylie, and Noah's first christmas was a blast! None of them were crawling, just yet, so the tree stood still this christmas ;)
Ava's first tooth! 5 1/2 months old, the bottom left