Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Holiday Trek to God's Country!

This year's Christmas Holiday found the FL Raulie's making the 19+ hour drive to Missouri and Kansas to enjoy some R&R and to see the Raulie and Pantleo sides of our family. Luke made the truck his home for a lot of our journey. I had installed an extra battery and 1,000watt inverter week's prior to our trip so we could play video's on the computer without losing computer battery power. It worked seamlessly throughout our entire trip and he enjoyed watching his new movie's on the way back home too.

We got to spend a few minutes the 1st night in GA with Scarlett, Campbell and Carter. We decided to knock a few hours off of our long trip the next day and we drove 3 or so hours that night to put us north of Nashville and out of traffic.

We drove through 1 small blizzard that next afternoon, but managed to get through it without any hold ups and the roads were all clear after. We arrived to the farm to see that most of the snow had melted, yet Luke did get to play in a few drifts that managed not to melt. After a quick visit with Great Grandpa P. at the farm and Great Grandpa'/ma' Raulie on Sunday we loaded up again and headed west several hours to stay with Evan and Courtney for several days. He and I planned on hunting some and Jenn planned on relaxing and shopping a bit with Courtney.

Courtney's uncle's have a nice cabin in Milford, KS that they use during the hunting season for clients that we were able to use the entire week as our home. It was not as rustic as jenn was expecting from the stories we told her of the 'shovel your own outhouse' and 'cut ice out of the lake' lifestyle.

Thus far, our trip was without a hitch.

Evan and I managed to get out the next morning with some of his buddies on a field loaded with geese. Well, the geese didn't show, and as we were loading up our gear I answered the 3rd phone call from Jenn. Luke had fallen from the top stair of the spiral staircase onto the floor. We hauled as fast his Ford could get us back to the cabin. By this time luke had calmed down some and was asking for zoi and other kiddy items he desires. Physically he actually seemed ok, no bumps, bruises or signs of immediate harm. We still rushed him into the junction city emergency room where he was checked out and cleared to leave. Besides the pot-head nurse that went out of his way to tell us he was a nurse (and show his I.D.) and not a Dr., it was a good visit. After some investigation and a good nap that afternoon we believe he fell almost 8 feet onto a hard floor. WE ARE VERY LUCKY.

Luke loved the lodge. 'Stuffed' animals all over the place which he had to show us every few minutes and around every nook and corner was another new duck or bear or fish for us to see. He enjoyed the evening fire starting process and the buffalo rug on the sofa. We cooked chilli the 1st night and a venison stew the next night.

We had a great time in KS and though the hunting wasn't spectacular we got to spend a lot of time with Evan and Courtney or 'Corky' as luke calls her. We inspected their new home renovation project and when it is complete it will be really nice. We cant wait! Zoi and Luke got to play with zoi's pup Kimber and they both did well pheasant hunting together.

Finally, Christmas Eve day was upon us and we loaded up the dog trailer and truck and prepared our journey back to the Missouri farm. The weather had changed from cool and clear to very windy with a winter storm advisory upon us. We made it to Topeka and had lunch; from the time we stopped to eat and now leave, 3" of snow had fallen and was still coming down. Our 2.5-3hr trip ended up being a 4+ hour drive to the farm. The weather went from snow to ice, then to rain and then back to ice by the time we made it. We were in for a real storm tonight as the weatherman forecasted 6-10" of snow and 35-45mph winds. BLIZZARD!!
Against our better judgement we loaded up the 4 wheel drives that evening and headed into town to the Raulie house to meet all of our cousins and their children. Rumor has it there were 51 of us total! Wow! Rachel and Dana were coming in late tonight from IA and likely right in the middle of this storm!
We made it to church for 10pm service just fine as the snow was beginning to fall and as service ended and we hustled to warm the trucks as the wind was howling and the snow was blowing harder and harder. We spent the next few hours at the Raulie household seeing what santa had dropped off while we were at church, catch up with cousins and share our stories.

The story doesn't end here as 2:30a.m. approached we again warmed the trucks and with more than 8" of snow on the ground we made the 15mile drive to the farm. We 6 & 1/2, in 2 trucks, drove the 5 miles to Lawson following the yellow stripe in the middle of the road no faster than 25mph. After Lawson the next 10 miles were heavy with snow on backroads and we blazed the trail all the way to the farm through the drifts and winds. This usual 20min trip took us well over an hour plus some! After arriving at the farm we advised Rachel and Dana not to come tonight and they yielded and stopped into a hotel until morning.
Morning came and all was well inside the house, outside the house the wind howled and drifted us in. Dad(larry....Mr. SnowShovel+) was out early clearing a path to the vehicles and the front porch. We enjoyed a warm breakfast, then Rachel and Dana finally arrived safe.
The hit was Luke's giraffe that Rachel/Dana brought him. He also got some great books from Ev/Court. Mom & Dad were very suprised that they will now have to replace their 13" tube TV with a 32" flatscreen we all pitched in to get them. How did they ever manage without one?

Saturday came and so did more snow, but this didn't keep the girls from going dress shopping for Rachel's wedding. (Sept 18, 2010). This left all of us guys alone to do what we do best.....shop at Cabelas and Rogers Sporting Goods. We met back up with the ladies for lunch and heard that Rachel found her dress!
Ev/Court departed to KS that afternoon. Mom/dad and Rachel/Dana hit the road that next morning. Sunday arrived with milder temps and a little less wind. After lunch the sun came out and allowed us to finally take Luke out into the snow to play and sled some. He had a great time, so did zoi! We didn't stay out all day as the wind still was pretty cold for him at times. We enjoyed our last night visiting with Uncle Mike and Great Grandpa at the farm. Luke and Great Grandpa got in some quality time on the magna-doodle drawing animals while we packed up the trailer for our trek back to muggy soggy sanday icky FL. We were excited to return to FL, but really enjoyed the blast of fresh air up here.

We made it 14 hours straight Monday with 100% clear roads and decided to stop just south of Atlanta for the night. We finished up our roadtrip Tuesday with a quick 4.5hr drive and managed to clean up and organize ourselves back into the FL lifestyle that evening.
We are glad to be in our house, just wish it had a basement and was in a cooler climate!
We are very happy to have seen everyone that we could while we were in the KC area. It was fun seeing everyone and their little ones and not so little ones.
Can't wait to see you all again we hope at Rachel/Dana's wedding!
Zach, Jenn & Luke

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Missouri Snow. Luke's first encounter with snow (that he can remember). He kept saying "COLD"!! and "Ice" and would then eat it! Thank goodness it was clean snow :) He couldn't wait for me to get his mittens out either, so he just dug in and had a blast! Maybe we can build a
snowman before we leave. Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wiregrass AKC Thomasville, GA

We spent this past weekend handling Zoi in her debut AKC Master Series Hunt Test near Meigs, GA, just outside of Thomasville. Seasonably cool weather, but very wet and windy on Saturday. 1st two series went very well for her. Sunday morning met us with frosty grass and 29 degrees!

We were near the tail end of the final series Sunday and it had warmed up siginificantly by that point. Zoi marked well and I handled her sufficiently, but not great. She ended up passing all 3 series this weekend. To attain her MH title she has to pass 6 tests, so only 5 more to go!

Jenn and Luke were troopers. They spent the majority of the time inside the truck watching 'Happy Feet' and 'Horton', but did get out and about some when the sun started shining.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Went down to the Lighting of the Christmas tree for some holiday festivities. The boys had a blast meeting all the PBS station cartoon characters and seeing Santa and Mrs. Claus! We ended the day with dinner at Ted Montana's Grill to celebrate Jenn's early birthday. Fun day!

The Raulie Christmas Tree! 2009

Thanksgiving Day 2009!