Monday, August 11, 2008

Quack Quack and Quack!

Now that we have been in Florida for some time we realize that transitioning from the July heat to the heat of August really shows no signs of relief, but seriously, it is tough to honestly tell the difference in 90 degrees and 100% humidity and 99 degrees and 100% humidity. Hot in FL is just plain hot, so we seek refuge indoors mostly, unless the breezy afternoon rains from the west cool off our evenings.

As Luke transitions into his 4th month we both agree that Luke's to the point where things really are much easier, though we expect this won't last long. Up at 6a.m. like clock work, some food, some diaper changes and more naps and feedings throughout the day. After dinner Luke gets fussy and a little bath(which he is really enjoying now), then it is snuggle time with daddy (pending his work schedule) where Luke is guaranteed to find his rest for the night.

Other than a few evenings around the house Luke hasn't really been out "in-the-field" dog training with dad, so last week we headed out to my local dog training property and ran a little energy out of Zoi and Holly. Uncle Robbie and mommy also tagged along.

I have been traveling quite a bit with the new transition in my sales territory, so the pups, Luke and mommy have had to sacrifice quite a bit lately. Luke has been wondering in amazement at what the screaming-loud noise in the garage has been most nights when daddy is around. And yes, it is time for the next duck calling competition for dad. According to mommy, it is all he ever does this time of year.

We made a family day out of this year's 2008 FL State Duck Calling Contest. Grandma & Grandpa Schleif, Uncle Robbie and Mike and Brooklyn joined us at Bass Pro Shops for the big day. There were a lot of loud noises and commotion, so lil Luke didn't get to witness it all, but he did make it back at the end to bask in the glory of daddy's win. By winning I qualified for the World Championship in Stuttgart, AR over the Thanksgiving weekend. Another wonderful Thanksgiving will be spent under the waterfowl filled skies of Stuttgart, Arkansas.

(Grandpa Schleif and Luke @ the calling contest at Bass Pro Shops)

As crazy as some may think we are, on August 15 we will forge our way out into the buggy-Florida night in search of the glowing red eyes on the water, yes, it is Alligator hunting season and we are alligator hunters. We enjoyed much success with our first hunt last year, but this year we have some very high hopes of a trophy, with a year's experience already under our belt. No, Luke and mommy aren't going to make it out with us, but if he was to go, this would be his new setup.

I hope to re-visit this lizard topic soon with some leatherish success.

Zach & Jenn