Friday, March 20, 2009

Outdoor Play Time

All the little ones are now just edging on 5 weeks of age. They are all eating real puppy food and drinking water out of a dish. They are very energetic and lively, especially when we are around, as they are ready for feeding time. For the most part they are 99% weaned off Zoi. Zoi is showing more signs of wanting less and less to do with them, but still has the instinct to want to jump back into the whelping box to play mommy for a few minutes each day.

Next weekend we are planning on introducing them to some live clipped-wing pigeons at our friends home south of Jacksonville. We are having more and more of the future owners stopping by each week to visit and see their little ones grow.

zach & jenn
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4 weeks and growing

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A day at the park

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Life's a Beach!

Happy Anniversary it twas this day. 2 years now of course on March 9th. I had to be on the road that Monday, so Jenn and I celebrated earlier during the weekend, but she was disappointed she didn't get a card or something, well, I couldnt send flowers on a Sunday so of course they were to be delivered on the day Jenn said she would be home, BUT Jenn unexpectedly went to the beach with the boys, Angie and Robbie. Oh well, life's a beach.

It is hard to believe that Luke really enjoyed the beach this day. I'm sure he would have preferred a non-salty environment like his father. Again, life's a beach and we are teaching that early in this little man's life:) Jenn said he had his moments of glory and yet managed a few tears after being doused with sand and sea water by cousin Baron. I'm sure Luke would prefer a snowsuit and a red glyder sled over this hot sand a salty water.
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Luke is now attempting to add to his palate an array of new foods, textures and tastes. One of his favorites is noodles. Not sure if it is just fun to play with it or what, but it does allow us to have a few minutes of our own eating dinner for once.

Cheerios, crackers and sliced cheese top the charts of his favorites so far. Well, besides his father's famed 'no recipe' banana bread.
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